Oil paint
Sep 22, 2024
"Ta panta rhei - Flaming whales": A contemporary abstract art painting like the Time of Now...

"Ta panta rhei - Flaming whales": The Great Song of the World in paint!
why innovations tend to come from the suburbs, whales, people in difficulty, or the arms of the Milky Way...
Why does the contemporary painter of all times, despite his extreme destitution, continue to create, "truly" achieving the feat in a world relatively impervious to the long term....
... but not to creation, which is one of its vital and virtuous impulses. At what point, in a world of assumed obsolescence that is changing at a symmetrical speed, are we truly "Naze-been" at 50?, from today?, 30 nanoseconds ago?... A magic has been lost, somewhere, but when?
Can we do without seeing and feeling differently when our traditional models are being undermined and time is starting to play... against us? Can we collectively allow ourselves not to take on board in this great reflection the few contemporary artists of all stripes who count or who paint in their under-slope in an often chosen anonymity. Do the specifications they impose on themselves sometimes allow the feat? It is to these questions of the times, subject to great changes and profound mutations, re-examined by great pandemics that Man will have the opportunity once again to share different, multiple and rich in Otherness perspectives, perhaps allowing us this time (like the last one) not to be only in the save-who-can but indeed in the save-who-moves... to advance, a little further.

Abstract Painting, the abstract painter sets us in motion; it is the "perception in the folds" dear to Gilles Deleuze, "Cave which never ceases to hollow itself out into a new cave"... Window-door opening to maximum exposure, the hallucinatory perception in the fold of your thought, like a Sesame, open yourself!....
This oil on canvas is the address that Heraclitus launched: "Ta panta rhei!" even if in ancient Greek the translation can be confusing: "Everything flows" or even "Everything moves according to a certain rhythm"...
"Everything is cool" we could say today! It is in any case the Thought of a World in perpetual motion, with welcoming thermodynamics where Life develops within the arms of its Milky Way and which re-questions itself by creating this mobile vector conducive to all Life. This Oil Painting on canvas tells you above all: "You are here, there, now."

The original Light with which you will illuminate this oil painting on canvas will say something about your relationship to the world and will doubtless light a spark somewhere in the depths of the skies of your gaze... as in those of Willem Drost's "Philosopher" - Rembrandt's pupil, too, take your Time. This abstract Tondo in oil of 130 cm. in diameter is part of a trinity intended for an interactive installation: 3 Planets that tell you all the mystery and Beauty of the world or these silent Whales that from the depths of their Ocean sing to us as swans sometimes do the risk of the last moments of happiness. (Zeus placed Cycnos in the Milky Way as a symbol of faithful friendship). An other other one below is called: "Ogoro gunnu"…